When we listen to the voice of Ann-Mari , we are in first surprised by its various ways of singing Indeed , she employ a little all song types .

Sometimes she use a voice from arabic and indian countries , sometimes a saturated voice , other times a very calm voice or a voice as one can hear in the Trip Pop therefore she sing with very personal kinds of voices , then she use an opera voice too .

As she fully use all song types , she employ different music types .

She has been the singer of the Dark / Atmospheric / Avangardist metal band :
" The 3rd and The Mortal "(1995 - 1997) , thereafter she has become a Classical singer , then she has founded a new band with her sister called " Tactile Gemma ".




Ann-Mari Edvardsen as Classical singer : ( comments by Ann - Mari )




The one called " Ann-Mari in Krsund " is a program front page from this season's Operafestival in Kristiansund.
The picture was taken last year at a concert.



The one called " Ann-Mari in Molde " is me singing in the Johannes Passion by J. S. Bach



" annmariedvardsen.jpg " is a promotion picture used in programs




" Mariza.jpg " is from a production of Grafin Mariza that i did this summer The others on this picture is (From the left) Ivar Giilhus (tenor) as Tassilo, *me*, Knut-Jørgen Moe(baryton) as Count Populescu




" Nyttår 2001 " is a picture of me and Espen Langvik, (baryton) having a new year concert with the Wiener Opernball Orchester from Vienna, Austria. The Conductor is Prof. Jelinek



Ann-Mari Edvardsen with The 3rd and The Mortal :